At least on the PS5 there won’t be yet another port of– ah.

It also maybe doesn’t help some games that GTA V, a PS3 game, continues to sell like ethically questionable hot cakes and hog a great deal of the spotlight either, but that’s neither here nor there. Sometimes it’s all about that “secret sauce”, a tricky to define trait that made games like Fortnite into mega-properties while others like Darwin Project kind of just limped along. Just like every console ever released, the PS4 has had its fair share of award winners right alongside the abject stinkers, but sometimes a game doesn’t even need to be bad to be forgotten.

With 3000+ games for players to choose from since the console’s launch in 2013, it’s almost a marvel that as many PS4 games get the time to shine as they do.

Considering that it’s played host to about fifty FIFA and Call of Duty games, has seen a couple of revisions, and also came out the same year that Margaret Thatcher died, it shouldn’t be a surprise that some games on Sony’s PlayStation 4 have just been forgotten over the years.